The cut-off date for debit orders for individual members joining Momentum Medical Scheme is the 26th of each month. The process is as follows:
- If the application is activated by the 26th of the month, all outstanding contributions will be deducted on the first working day of the next month.
- If the application is activated after the 26th of the month, the debit order will not deduct on the first working day of the next month and all outstanding contributions will be deducted the month thereafter. To avoid double or triple deductions, these members will receive an interactive email offering them the facility to authorise an ad-hoc deduction by clicking on the link in the email.
- New members will receive a welcome SMS with the date when their debit order will be deducted.
New Business – Groups
For group business, the 2025 cut-off dates are as follows:
- 17 January
- 14 February
- 14 March
- 17 April
- 16 May
- 13 June
- 18 July
- 15 August
- 19 September
- 17 October
- 14 November
- 12 December
All business activated by this date will be included in the monthly billing. In order to be processed in time, please submit new applications to the new business department at least 48 hours before this date, and outstanding requirements at least 24 hours before.
The billing run generates monthly billing statements confirming the amount due per member, and a combined billing schedule in spreadsheet format for companies. For members and companies on debit order, these statements confirm the amount that will be deducted by debit order on the first working day of the next month.
Claims payment run
Claims payment runs happen twice a month. On these dates all claims that have been processed are collated and payments due are confirmed through claims statements. Payment is made, either directly to the provider or as a refund to the member, within five working days of the claims payment run.
In addition, Momentum Medical Scheme pays certain providers weekly, such as the Life Health Care, Mediclinic and Netcare hospital groups and Associated specialists. Momentum Medical Scheme also refunds members daily for claims where the member has paid the provider upfront and then submits the claim with the receipt attached for a refund.
Disclaimer: +Momentum Medical Scheme members may choose to make use of additional products available from Momentum Group Limited and its subsidiaries as well as Momentum Multiply (herein collectively referred to as Momentum). Momentum is not a medical scheme and is a separate entity to Momentum Medical Scheme. Momentum products are not medical scheme benefits. You may be a member of Momentum Medical Scheme without taking any of the products offered by Momentum.