Focus on the Chronic Benefit 2025

Chronic Benefit structure

The Chronic Benefit covers certain life-threatening conditions that need ongoing treatment and includes cover for the 26 Chronic Disease List conditions, which form part of the Prescribed Minimum Benefits. Chronic benefits are subject to registration and approval. 

Momentum Medical Scheme offers a unique Chronic Benefit structure that empowers members to choose the level of chronic cover appropriate to their family’s needs. The following table summarises the different levels of chronic cover and chronic providers across the six options.

IngweIngwe Primary Care Network or
Ingwe Active Network
26 conditions according to Chronic Disease List in Prescribed Minimum Benefits: no annual limit applies, subject to formulary
EvolveState26 conditions according to Chronic Disease List in Prescribed Minimum Benefits: no annual limit applies, subject to formulary
Associated; or
26 conditions according to Chronic Disease List in Prescribed Minimum Benefits: no annual limit applies, subject to formulary
Associated; or
32 conditions:
26 conditions according to Chronic Disease List in Prescribed Minimum Benefits: no annual limit applies, subject to formulary
6 additional conditions: limited to R13 100 per family per year
Associated; or
62 conditions:
26 conditions according to Chronic Disease List in Prescribed Minimum Benefits: no annual limit applies, subject to formulary 
36 additional conditions: limited to R13 100 per family per year
SummitFreedom-of-choice62 conditions:
26 conditions according to Chronic Disease List in Prescribed Minimum Benefits: no annual limit applies, subject to formulary 
36 additional conditions: subject to an overall day-to-day limit of R33 300 per beneficiary per year. This is a combined limit incorporating both day-to-day cover and cover for the 36 additional conditions

How to obtain Chronic Benefits

IngweIngwe Primary
Care Network or
Ingwe Active Network
You need to get your chronic prescription from your Ingwe Primary Care Network or Ingwe Active Network GP, and your chronic medication from Medipost pharmacy. Benefits are subject to the Fixed formulary.
StateYou need to choose one of the designated State facilities to get your chronic prescription and medication, subject to the State formulary and State medical management (including doctor, pharmacy, blood tests, x-rays, etc).
EvolveStateYou need to choose one of the designated State facilities to get your chronic prescription and medication, subject to the State formulary and State medical management (including doctor, pharmacy, blood tests, x-rays, etc).
Custom, Incentive and ExtenderAnyYou may get your chronic prescription from any GP and your chronic medication from any pharmacy, subject to the Basic formulary. 
  • If you choose to get your medication from the preferred list of medicines, and within the generic reference price if applicable, you will not have a co-payment. However, if the preferred medication costs more than the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price, you will have a co-payment for the difference in cost. 
  •  If you choose to get non-preferred medication, a co-payment will apply. This co-payment will be 15% of the Custom Option, 10% on the Incentive Option and 5% on the Extender Option. However, if the non-preferred medication costs more than the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price, a co-payment for the difference in cost will be added to the percentage indicated above.
Custom, Incentive and ExtenderAssociatedYou need to get your chronic prescription from an Associated GP and your chronic medication from Medipost, subject to a Core formulary. 
  • If you choose to get your chronic prescription from a non-Associated GP or specialist, we will pay 50% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate for the consultation and you will need to pay the difference.
  •  If you choose to get your chronic medication from a pharmacy other than Medipost, we will pay 50% of the formulary price for the medicine and you will need to pay the difference. 
  •  On the Custom Option, if you choose to get either preferred or non-preferred medication in the formulary, which costs more than the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price, there will be a co-payment for the difference in cost. 
  •  On the Incentive and Extender Options, if you choose to get non-preferred medication, a co-payment will apply. This co-payment will be 20% on the Incentive Option and 15% on the Extender Option. However, if the non-preferred medication costs more than the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price, a co-payment for the difference in cost will be added to the percentage indicated above.
Custom, Incentive and ExtenderStateYou need to choose one of the designated State facilities to get your chronic prescription and medication, subject to the State formulary and State medical management (including doctor, pharmacy, blood tests, x-rays, etc).
SummitFreedom-of-choiceYou have the freedom of choice to get your chronic prescription and medication from any provider, subject to the Comprehensive formulary. 
If you choose to get your medication from outside the formulary, a co-payment of the cost difference between the selected item and the formulary price is payable.

How to register for chronic medication

Freedom-of-choice or Any chronic provider

  1. Ask your treating doctor or pharmacist to contact us on 0860 11 78 59.2.
  2. The chronic benefit consultant will either approve or decline the benefit telephonically based on theinformation shared.
  3. We may need additional information from your provider, such as applicable test results, in order tocomplete the registration process for your condition and/or medicine. Refer to the list at the end ofthis document for clinical information that the treating doctor will need to send per diagnosis foryour chronic registration.
  4. Once the chronic registration has been approved, you may get your medication from any pharmacy.Please provide a copy of your prescription to your pharmacy.
  5. You will need to provide a renewed prescription every six months to your pharmacy. If there are nochanges to the medication and/or diagnosis, the prescription can be sent directly to your pharmacy,there will be no need to send it to us.

Associated chronic provider

  1. Ask your treating Associated GP or Medipost pharmacist to contact us on 0860 11 78 59.
  2.  The chronic benefit consultant will either approve or decline the benefit telephonically.
  3.  We may need additional information from your provider, such as the ICD-10 code (diagnosis code) and applicable test results, in order to complete the registration process for your condition or medicine. Refer to the list at the end of this document for clinical information that the treating doctor may need to send per diagnosis for your chronic registration. 
  4.  Once your chronic registration has been approved, you need to send your prescription to Medipost to arrange for your chronic medication to be delivered. You can contact Medipost on 012 426 4000, and email your prescription to [email protected].
  5.  You will need to renew the prescription every six months. If there are no changes to the medication or diagnosis, the prescription can be sent directly to Medipost, there will be no need to send it to us.

State chronic provider

  1. Contact us on 0860 11 78 59 to ask for a State chronic application form to be sent to you. 
  2.  Once you receive the form, take it to a State hospital and ask the State doctor to complete it. The doctor may also contact us on 0860 11 78 59
  3. The doctor will assess you and prescribe medication as per the State formulary. 
  4.  You need to collect your medication from the State hospital pharmacy. 
  5.  The completed form can be emailed or posted to us, together with any relevant information and supporting documents to help us in processing the application. 
  6.  If you or your dependant/s develop a new chronic condition, or need a change in medicine, you need to consult with a State doctor again and submit a new State chronic application form to us at [email protected].

Ingwe and Ingwe Active Network provider

  1. Ask your Network doctor to contact us on 0860 11 78 59.
  2. The chronic benefit consultant will either approve or decline the benefit telephonically, based on the information shared.
  3. We may need additional information from your doctor, such as applicable test results, in order to complete the registration process for your condition or medicine. Refer to the list at the end of this document for clinical information that the treating doctor will need to send per diagnosis for your chronic registration.
  4.  Once your chronic registration has been approved, you need to send your prescription to Medipost to arrange for your chronic medication to be delivered. You can contact Medipost on 012 426 4000, and email your prescription to [email protected].
  5. If your doctor does not call and completes the Ingwe Option chronic application form, it can be emailed to us at [email protected] to facilitate the chronic registration process. You will need to send your prescription to Medipost for them to dispense and deliver the medication once you are registered.
  6. You will need to provide a renewed prescription every six months to Medipost. If there are no changes to the medication and/or diagnosis, the prescription can be sent directly to Medipost, there will be no need to send it to us.
Important notes 
  •  You need to register on the chronic management programme and get approval for chronic medication to be paid from the Chronic Benefit. 
  •  Please refer to the list of chronic conditions in your member brochure for more information on the chronic conditions covered on your specific option. 
  •  You can view the list of medication applicable to your benefit option at
  •  Our chronic management programmes ensure that you receive the most appropriate treatment and medication. 
  •  When a chronic condition is managed effectively, it is likely to result in fewer acute and long-term medical complications or side effects. We use evidence-based treatment principles, called clinical protocols, to determine and manage benefits for specific conditions. 
  •  Please refer to the attached list of clinical entry criteria that apply when registering for chronic benefits for the first time. Your treating doctor will need to provide us with this information. 
  • Prescriptions are valid for six months and you need to submit a new prescription to your pharmacy once your prescription expires. If you are diagnosed with a new chronic condition, need a change in your current medication or additional medication, please ask your treating doctor or pharmacist to contact us on 0860 11 78 59 for authorisation. Once the new prescription has been authorised, please submit it to your pharmacy.

Summary of Momentum Medical Scheme’s formulary structure

OptionFormularyPreferred productsNon-preferred productsOutliers
Ingwe Primary Care Network and Ingwe Active NetworkFixed formularyMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price appliesNo benefitNo benefit
Ingwe Connect hospitalsState formularyMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price appliesNo benefitNo benefit
EvolveState formularyMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price appliesNo benefitNo benefit
Custom, Incentive and Extender – Any chronic providerCustom: Basic formularyMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price appliesMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price plus a percentage co-payment applies. This co-payment is 15% on the Custom Option, 10% on the Incentive Option and 5% on the Extender Option
Incentive: Standard formulary
Extender: Extended formulary
Custom, Incentive and Extender – Associated chronic providerCore formularyMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price appliesMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price plus a percentage co-payment applies. This co-payment is the difference in cost on the Custom Option, 20% on the Incentive Option and 15% on the Extender Option. If the non-preferred medication costs more than the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price, a co-payment for the difference in cost will be added to the percentage co-payment indicated aboveMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price plus 30% co-payment will apply on the total cost of the claim
Custom, Incentive and Extender – State chronic providerState formularyMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price appliesMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price plus a percentage co-payment applies. This co-payment is 15% on the Custom Option, 10% on the Incentive Option and 5% on the Extender OptionMomentum Medical Scheme Reference Price plus 30% co-payment will apply on the total cost of the claim
SummitComprehensive formularyNo co-payment Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price does not applyNo co-payment. Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price does not apply

Frequently asked questions

What is a formulary? 

A formulary is a list of medicines covered on your option, from which a doctor can prescribe the appropriate medication for your chronic condition.

What is the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price?

The Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price is the maximum rand value that Momentum Medical Scheme will pay for a medicine. If a new generic medicine is introduced, or the price of existing medication changes, medication that we previously covered in full, may now attract a co-payment.

We review the Momentum Medical Scheme Reference Price every year against a variety of factors, including price changes, any new medicines introduced or discontinued during the year, medical information, generic influence and medicine patents that have expired, to mention a few. This is to make sure that the reference pricing structure is kept up to date with the latest developments in medicine. The reference pricing will also be adjusted when a generic equivalent is launched where there was previously no generic available for the original product - this may happen at any time during the year.

Other important notes
  • You need to register on the chronic management programme and get approval for chronic medication to be paid from the Chronic Benefit. 
  • You can view the list of medication applicable to your benefit option at
  • When a chronic condition is managed effectively, it is likely to result in fewer acute and long-term medical complications or side effects. We use evidence-based treatment principles, called clinical protocols, to determine and manage benefits for specific conditions.

Chronic conditions covered per option

Chronic benefits are subject to registration and approval.

The following 26 Chronic Disease List conditions are covered on the Ingwe, Evolve, Custom, Incentive, Extender and Summit Options:

1. Addison’s disease8. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease15. Epilepsy22. . Parkinson’s disease
2. Asthma9. Chronic renal disease 16. Glaucoma23. Rheumatoid arthritis 
(excl. biologicals such as Revellex and Enbrel *)
3. Bipolar mood disorder10. Coronary artery disease17. Haemophilia24. Schizophrenia
4. Bronchiectasis11. Crohn’s disease 
(excl. biologicals such as Revellex *)
18. Hyperlipidaemia25. Systemic lupus erythematosus
5. Cardiac dysrhythmias12. Diabetes insipidus19. Hypertension26. Ulcerative colitis
6. Cardiac failure13. Diabetes mellitus Type 120. Hypothyroidism
7. Cardiomyopathy 14. Diabetes mellitus Type 221. Multiple sclerosis 
(excl. biologicals such as Avonex *, subject to protocols)

* These are examples of medication not covered

Chronic benefits are subject to registration and approval.

On the Incentive Option, an additional 6 conditions are covered, subject to a limit of R13 100 per family per year.

AcneAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Allergic rhinitis

Chronic benefits are subject to registration and approval. 

On the Extender Option, an additional 36 conditions are covered, subject to a limit of R13 100 per family per year. 

On the Summit Option, the additional 36 conditions covered accumulate to the overall day-to-day limit of R33 300 per beneficiary per year.

1. Acne10. Eczema
19. Narcolepsy
28. Post-traumatic stress syndrome 
2. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)11. Gout
20. Obsessive compulsive disorder
29. Psoriasis
3. Allergic rhinitis12. Hypoparathyroidism
21. Oncology - ancillary treatment
30. Scleroderma
4. Ankylosing spondylitis13. Immunosuppression therapy for transplants
22. Osteopenia
31. Stroke
5. Aplastic anaemia14. Major depression
23. Osteoporosis32. Systemic sclerosis
6. Benign prostatic hypertrophy15. Menopause
24. Other seizure disorders33. Thromboangiitis obliterans
7. Cushing’s disease16. Motor neuron disease
25. Paraplegia/Quadriplegia34. Thrombocytopenic purpura
8. Cystic fibrosis
17. Muscular dystrophy and other inherited myopathies
26. Pemphigus35. Unipolar disorder
9. Dermatomyositis
18. Myasthenia gravis
27. Pituitary micro-adenomas 36. Valvular heart disease

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