Focus on specialised procedures/treatment 2025

Specialised procedure and treatment

This document provides a guideline of the procedures and treatment covered on the various benefit options and paid from the Major Medical Benefit, irrespective of whether the procedure and treatment is performed in- or out-of-hospital. 

Pre-authorisation is required regardless of where the procedure and treatment is performed. It is important to note that this is not the complete list of all procedures and treatment covered by the Scheme. Should you need clarity on whether a procedure and treatment is covered, please contact us to confirm.


24-hour Holter ECG
Blood transfusions
Carotid angiograms 
Coronary angiogram
Coronary angioplasty
Direct laryngoscopy
Nasal cautery
Nasal scans and surgery
Functional nasal and sinus surgery
General procedures and treatments
Biopsy of breast lump
Drainage of subcutaneous abscess
Removal of extensive skin lesions
Removal of minor skin lesions
Lymph node biopsy 
Nail surgery
Open hernia repairs
Superficial foreign body removal
Treatment of headache

Cervical laser ablation
Cone biopsy
Dilatation & curettage
Incision and drainage of Bartholin’s cyst
Marsupialisation of Bartholin’s cyst
Tubal ligation 
48-hour Holter EEG
Electro-convulsive therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for decompression sickness
Childbirth in non-hospital 


Chemotherapy and radiotherapy 
 (On Ingwe Option, if you choose Connect Network hospitals, benefits are limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at Connect Network hospitals. If you choose Ingwe Network hospitals or Any hospital, benefits are limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at State facilities) 
Hyperbaric oxygen for radiation necrosis
Cataract removal
Meibomian cyst excision
Pterygium removal
Treatment of diseases of the conjunctiva
Back and neck surgery
(On Evolve Option, limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at State facilities)

Carpal tunnel release
Conservative back and neck treatment 
(On Evolve Option, covered at State facilities)

Ganglion surgery
Joint replacements
 (On Evolve Option, limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at State facilities)


Dialysis (On Ingwe Option, if you choose Connect Network hospitals, benefits are limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at Connect Network hospitals. If you choose Ingwe Network hospitals or Any hospital, benefits are limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at State facilities)

Treatment of adult influenza
Treatment of adult respiratory tract infections
Prostate biopsy
Anorectal procedures
Procedure for haemorrhoids, fissure and fistula
Incision and drainage of abscess and/or cyst
Skin (deep/non-superficial lesions), subcutaneous tissue and pilonidal

  • The costs of anaesthetists for gastroscopies and colonoscopies are covered up to R620 on Evolve and Custom, up to R1 300 on Incentive and Extender, and up to R1 540 on Summit (subject to pre-authorisation). For all other procedures, the costs of anaesthetists (if any) are covered if clinically appropriate.
  • The specialised procedures and treatments listed attract a co-payment of R1 920 per authorisation on the Evolve and Custom Options. This co-payment may vary for some of the procedures, as illustrated below.
  • Some of the specialised procedures and treatment listed could attract a co-payment on the Incentive and Extender Options, as illustrated below.

Specialised procedures and treatment co-payments

How specialised procedures and treatment are covered on the Evolve Option
The standard Evolve Option co-payment of R1 920 per authorisation applies to these procedures and treatments regardless of where they are performed
Plus the specialised procedures co-payment of R3 840 per authorisation applies if performed in an acute or day hospital.
Arthroscopies, Back and neck surgery*,  Carpal tunnel release, Functional nasal and sinus procedures, Joint replacements*, Laparoscopies Performed in a day hospital or acute hospital, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
Gastroscopes, Colonoscopies, Cystoscopies, Sigmoidoscopies, Nail surgery, removing of extensive skin lesions Performed out of hospital, in a day hospital or in an acute hospital, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
Conservative back and neck treatment*, removal of minor skin lesions, Treatment of diseases of the conjunctiva, Treatment of headache, Treatment of adult influenza, Treatment of adult respiratory tract infections. Low severity cases are not covered by the Scheme but can be paid from HealthSaver+ if available

High severity cases in an acute hospital are paid by the Scheme, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
View the list of day hospitals on the Momentum app or
+ HealthSaver is an complementary product offered by Momentum.
* Covered at State facilities

How specialised procedures and treatment are covered on the Custom Option
The standard Custom Option co-payment of R1 920  per authorisation applies to these procedures and treatments regardless of where they are performed
Plus the specialised procedures co-payment of R1 920 per authorisation applies if performed in a day hospital, or R3 840 per authorisation if performed in an acute hospital (hospital where overnight admissions apply)
Arthroscopies, Back and neck surgery,  Carpal tunnel release, Functional nasal and sinus procedures, Joint replacements, Laparoscopies Performed in a day hospital or acute hospital, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
Gastroscopes, Colonoscopies, Cystoscopies, Sigmoidoscopies, Nail surgery, removing of extensive skin lesions Performed out of hospital, in a day hospital or in an acute hospital, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
Conservative back and neck treatment, removal of minor skin lesions, Treatment of diseases of the conjunctiva, Treatment of headache, Treatment of adult influenza, Treatment of adult respiratory tract infections. Low severity cases are not covered by the Scheme but can be paid from HealthSaver+ if available

High severity cases in an acute hospital are paid by the Scheme, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
View the list of day hospitals on the Momentum app or
+ HealthSaver is an complementary product offered by Momentum.

How specialised procedures and treatment are covered on the Incentive and Extender Options
A co-payment of R1 920 per authorisation applies to these procedures and treatments if performed in a day hospital
Or a co-payment of R3 840 per authorisation applies to these procedures and treatments if performed in an acute hospital (hospital where overnight admissions apply)
Arthroscopies, Back and neck surgery,  Carpal tunnel release, Functional nasal and sinus procedures, Joint replacements, Laparoscopies Performed in a day hospital or acute hospital, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
Gastroscopes, Colonoscopies, Cystoscopies, Sigmoidoscopies, Nail surgery, removing of extensive skin lesions Performed out of hospital, in a day hospital or in an acute hospital, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
Conservative back and neck treatment, removal of minor skin lesions, Treatment of diseases of the conjunctiva, Treatment of headache, Treatment of adult influenza, Treatment of adult respiratory tract infections. Low severity cases are not covered by the Scheme but can be paid from Day-to-day Benefits or HealthSaver+ if available

High severity cases in an acute hospital are paid by the Scheme, subject to the relevant co-payment listed above
View the list of day hospitals here or on the Momentum app.
+ HealthSaver is an complementary product offered by Momentum.

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