Focus on Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs) 2025

What are Prescribed Minimum Benefits?

Prescribed Minimum Benefits are a set of defined benefits for which all medical schemes in South Africa have to provide cover to medical scheme beneficiaries in terms of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998 and the Regulations thereto.

Prescribed Minimum Benefits fall into the following three broad categories                                        
Life-threatening emergency medical conditions;271 medical conditions defined in the Diagnostic Treatment Pairs26 chronic conditions, known as the Chronic Disease List conditions 
Click here to view more information about Prescribed Minimum Benefits and the conditions covered.

Guide to Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs) - this document provides an overview of Prescribed Minimum Benefits and how Momentum Medical Scheme covers our beneficiaries for these benefits.

Disclaimer +Momentum Medical Scheme members may choose to make use of additional products available from Momentum Group Limited and its subsidiaries as well as Momentum Multiply (herein collectively referred to as Momentum). Momentum is not a medical scheme and is a separate entity to Momentum Medical Scheme. Momentum products are not medical scheme benefits. You may be a member of Momentum Medical Scheme without taking any of the products offered by Momentum.