Focus on the HIV-Aids management programme


At Momentum Medical Scheme, our management and treatment of HIV/Aids is aimed at giving members access to the most appropriate medical care for wellness, prevention and care, so members with HIV/Aids can live a normal and productive life. To get access to the HIV/Aids benefits, members of Momentum Medical Scheme must register on the Lifesense HIV programme.  

Who needs to register?

Any member who tests HIV positive should join the Lifesense HIV programme as soon as they receive their test results. The HIV Elisa test is covered under the Health Platform Benefit as a screening benefit. On the Ingwe Option, Health Platform benefits are only available from Ingwe Primary Care Network providers. Pregnant members should join the programme as soon as they are aware of their HIV status, to help protect their unborn baby from getting the virus.  

How to register

Your registration and participation on the programme are kept confidential. Confidentiality will be respected by all staff managing your condition. To register on the HIV programme, the member or treating doctor needs to contact Lifesense on the numbers below. Lifesense who has been appointed by the Scheme, will manage your condition by working with your doctors to create a complete treatment plan. You will also get education and ongoing support and access to ARV medication, when it is appropriate. The Scheme will manage the yearly limits on this benefit. 

Benefits for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatment

By calling Lifesense, members can get access to prophylactic treatment for the prevention of infection by the HIV virus if they have been exposed to HIV by accident (for example needle stick injury) or in the unfortunate event of rape.  

Where to get your anti-retroviral medication

Ingwe OptionEvolve OptionCustom, Incentive and Extender OptionsSummit Option

Any chronic providerAssociated chronic provider State chronic provider

Lifesense contact details: Tel: 0860 50 60 80 

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