Introduction The Custom Option includes cover for hospitalisation in private hospitals. There is no overall annual limit for hospitalisation. You can choose to have access to any hospital, or you can choose to receive a discount on your contrib...
Health Platform Benefits are available to all Momentum Medical Scheme members and are paid for by the Scheme. These benefits encourage health awareness, enhance quality of life and give peace of mind through preventative care, early detection, a...
Introduction This benefit provides for day-to-day medical expenses, such as doctors’ visits and prescribed medication. On the Ingwe Option , members who choose Connect Network hospitals need to use State facilities, while members who choos...
The Major Medical Benefit includes cover for hospitalisation, as well as certain specialised procedures/ treatment and specialised scans. Overview of the cover provided in hospital across the six options Option
Underwriting Summary Individuals Compulsory group Super group Group size 1 member 2 to 9 principal members 10 or more principal members Underwriting Individual medical underw...
Description At Momentum Medical Scheme, our management and treatment of HIV/Aids is aimed at giving members access to the most appropriate medical care for wellness, prevention and care, so members with HIV/Aids can live a normal and productive...
MRI and CT scans, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), whole body radioisotope and PET scans are subject to pre-authorisation. Even if you have authorisation for an in-hospital admission, a separate pre-authorisation will be requi...
Anorectal - Treatment of haemorrhoids, fissure, fistula Covered for complicated cases that cannot be treated as an out-patient or where the out-patient treatment options failed and treatment is required in a medical facility Biopsies ...
Momentum Medical Scheme has agreements in place with preferred providers to allow greater flexibility to our members. When members choose a specific provider on an option, they should ensure that there is a facility near them. Combined list of M...